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This is the time of year when I feel most down personally and it is especially true as a photographer.  Its cold and grey outside which translates into little to no interest in going outside or clients having their picture taken.  Its also the time of year where my Facebook feed is FLOODED with images of photographers from around the country taking photos of newborns and toddlers from their studio.  I, however, do not have a studio and therefore have little or no images to post.  I’m also looking at my calendar for the year and feeling discouraged by how empty it seems.  I am trying to pursue clients, create new contacts, and dream up exciting shoot ideas but I still find myself feeling a bit low.

To combat these feelings of discouragement I have been trying to remind myself of the good things that have happened with All Things Simple the past couple years.  First, my client load has grown since its founding in July of 2010.  I started out with 6 clients that year and last year had more than 3 dozen clients.  It has been a blessing to work with so many wonderful people.  Second, I have many clients to return year after year for me to take their photos.  This is also a great blessings.  Third, I shot my first wedding last fall and have 2 weddings booked for this year.  It is an honor to be entrusted with such a big task.  Finally, I have a new camera on its way.  I have been saving up since last fall for a Nikon D600 and it is finally on its way.  Thanks to my loyal clients and a few small gifts my dream is growing.  I can’t wait to open the box and start learning.

Now, I am trying to look ahead and ask myself what may be in the future for All Things Simple.  I guess you could call these goals.  First, I would like to continue to have happy clients.  My goal has always been to provide a high quality product (photography) for an affordable price.  Second, I would also like to grow in my photography skills.  This means a lot of study and hard work.  Finally, I would like to book as many if not more clients this year compared to last year.  Specifically, I would like to have more Family, High School Senior and toddler/newborn shoots.  I would also like to have a couple successful mini sessions for Mothers and Fathers Day as well as Prom shoots.  You can be sure that I will post as many photos as I can and keep you all up to date.  Bottom line, I will have to trust.  I will have to trust that new clients will come, old clients will contact me for updated photos and my photography dream will continue to grow.

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