Many of you know that I have two wonderful children.
Preston is almost 5
Peyton is 2 years old.
Both of my children have a love for life, more energy than a firecracker and smiles that warm my heart even on the most difficult of days. Our family just returned from our first vacation in 3 years and we had a BLAST! We headed down to St. Petersburg, FL to visit with my Grandma and some friends. We also spent a LOT of time on the beach and in the pool. Overall, it was relaxing and exactly what I needed. Sometimes I am so busy with all my ‘responsibilities’ with photography, work and being a mom that I forget that it is important to take care of myself and rest…and rest from my camera as well. Yes, that means not picking up the camera to take any pictures for a couple days. It was great. I will say that the above pictures were taken on the last day of our vacation and it was the ONLY day I pulled out my camera. Now that I am back in STL and working hard editing photos and scheduling sessions I need to remind myself of the need for rest and that it is not only important but needed every once in a while.
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