In Family
One of the hardest things to do as a photographer is take pictures of your own family and be IN the photos.  I can take plenty of photos of my kids, my husband, friends, etc… but how in the world do I take a picture of myself and capture those sweet/candid moments.  That is when Ms. Olivia comes to the rescue!!  She is also a fellow photographer and we have set up a very special exchange deal.  I take your family photos and she will take mine.  Perfecto!!!  Oh yes, did I mentioned that Olivia and her family are AWESOME to photograph.  They are always perfectly color coordinating AND bring so much laughter and joy to our sessions.  I think we should do this exchange twice a year…maybe more. Ok, just kidding.  Twice would be good because then we can hang out more.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy these lovely photos of the Howard family and I’m sure you will see more in the years ahead.  
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